Kim Heethuis
Agent Partner

Kim Heethuis
Agent Partner

Licensing: 430425

I help take the stress out of this major decision in your life.

Kim and her husband have been married for 23 years and have 2 kids, 2 dogs and live in a wonderful neighborhood in Linden.

Kim’s love for sales and marketing started at a young age while she was in college. Kim has been in professional sales and marketing roles since her early 20’s and she loves when she is able to connect two sources together and provide a win win for both individuals. “I joined Bunn Warren & Associates when I saw the strong magnetic approach to marketing that they take and provide their clients with the best all around customer service. Their passion and dedication to meeting their client’s and customer’s expectations are what drew me onto their team.”

In her spare time, Kim enjoys boating and water sports, working out, playing with my dogs and spending time with friends and family.

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