At BWA, we have proven strategies and scripts to help convert leads. We have a track record of converting more internet leads than any team in the area. We use smart plans with automatic emails, text messages, and ringless voicemail to reach out to leads. Our daily huddles help agents with lead conversion strategies. We've been working with the same lead sources for over 3.5 years, achieving above industry-standard conversion rates.

We partner with top photography companies for drone photos, high-tech DSLR photos, and 3D Matterports. We work with top staging companies for vacant or updated homes. We also partner with sign companies to install and remove signs, so you don’t have to worry about those logistics.

At BWA, we believe in partnering with the area's top lenders, insurance companies, property management companies, and title companies to make the process as easy as possible for our clients. We offer a concierge service with partnerships in mortgage, insurance, title, and in-house property management.

We provide full-time admin support. One admin oversees marketing for our agents, recruiting, and leads. The other admin manages listings, buyers, and pending transactions. Our full-time transaction coordinator and concierge handle everything from getting listings in to managing contracts, ensuring all necessary documents are sent to title companies, mortgage agents, and co-op agents, and scheduling closings.

We have a weekly team meeting every Wednesday from 10 to 11 AM. We share each other’s wins from the previous week, discuss agent successes, and go over if they hit their goals and had the most appointments. We also address any issues agents faced, providing collective help to improve and learn. Additionally, we have an in-house lender partnership, providing updates on the market, interest rates, and programs.

We have invested thousands of dollars to provide industry-best technology for our agents, helping them make more money with less time and hassle compared to other brokerages or teams. We also conduct periodic training sessions, with four trainings per month, to help agents understand and utilize the technology effectively.

Yes, we have a full-time success coach who oversees all new agents. This includes appointment assistance, weekly one-on-one meetings for accountability, and ensuring agents understand dialogues for converting leads from friends, family, referrals, and internet leads. New agents are enrolled in this program, go on appointments, and get help with CMAs, working with buyers and sellers, and managing transactions from A to Z.

We have daily huddles from 9:15 to 9:30 every day where we discuss different negotiations and situations that might come up with buyers, sellers, and referral partners. We also have training sessions every Monday from 9:30 to 10:30 covering various topics such as buyer strategies, negotiation, etc. Additionally, we have a full-time success coach who meets with new agents weekly, offers appointment assistance, answers questions, helps with writing offers, and provide an onboarding program.

At BWA, our culture is top-notch, built around three pillars: competitiveness, accountability, and training. We hold you accountable to your goals, have team and individual contests with rewards like sports events and happy hours, and offer daily and weekly training sessions. Our training sessions are recorded and available on YouTube and Spotify under "Bunn Warren Sales Training."

There is no monthly cost to belong to Bunn Warren Associates Real Estate Group. We only charge a split from transactions. For the first six deals, new agents have a 50-50 split (50% to you, 50% to the team). For friend, family, or referral leads (sphere leads), the split is 65% to you and 35% to the team. For internet or team-provided leads, it's a 50-50 split.

We’re located at 8491 W. Grand River Ave. in Brighton, MI. We're right behind Starbucks, across the street from Marshalls, and near Best Buy.

Yes, we generate 300 to 600 leads per month for our agents. Agents sign up for a lead day, working from 9 AM to 4 PM, and typically get 12 to 15 leads or more per day. We aim for agents to get 30 leads per month, averaging one closing per 30 leads. We also teach agents how to convert these leads.